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The Taiwanese National Science and Technology museum in Kaoshung has a BigAirBag

By 17th August 2016No Comments

The perfect combination! Fun and education with the Big AirBag: Visitors of this museum in Taiwan can jump into a full color branded bag. The Topsheet is designed to look like a swirl, the smaller kids have zero fear but for the parents it comes as a shock if they need to jump from 6 meters on the airbag.

After a safe and soft landing in the bag they get an explanation about the ocean, typhoons and the power of swirls.  And after the explanation most of the kids want to do a second jump on the bag. Some of them are just a bit more skilled and look like real gymnast if they throw flips!

Our partner NanE Design Corp. Ltd. Did definitely do a good job over here!

And even the museum director was very exited after his first test jump!